Yes, it is still possible for ordinary hardworking Americans to retire comfortably on Social Security or a military pension alone. If you have $75k for an condo here, you can live comfortably on $500 a month for all utilities and taxes. Including a cell phone plan and better Internet than 90% of Americans have in the USA. And what is even better, no one will drag you out of your car and beat you for being white. No one will destroy your house looking for a gun you don't own. And you will not have to answer to God for having paid for abortions and wars and corruption with your taxes.
In every nation, in every community, there are places where you should not go and times you should not go there. You are generally safe on most Ukrainian streets until midnight even if you are alone and not physically capable of defending yourself. But it is not a good idea to be in certain combat areas in the far eastern portion of Ukraine. In many parts of Kyiv and other cities there are shabby apartment buildings and an American will instinctively feel unsafe there, but poor people in Ukraine are not entitled predators seeking "reparations" as they are in the USA. No one is going to mug you.
Another important thing to consider in Ukraine is that elderly people are respected and if you dress appropriately and have are of European ancestry, people are going to think that you are Ukrainian. Retired Americans in urban Ukraine are far safer than they would be except perhaps in small town America.
If you want the most safety possible, or if you really want to disappear off the face of the earth so that no one in the USA can find you, then can go to a Ukrainian village, buy a 4 season cabin and a few acres of land and live there for the rest of your life. Done properly, no one, not the FBI, not the CIA, not the IRS, not even the Ukrainian government can find you. It won't be fancy but it beats living in an Alaskan cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Disclaimer - this website is exploratory only. We do not currently have a business in Ukraine and currently take no fees or income from Ukraine.
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