Rental Opportunity in Kyiv

Ukraine is an unusual rental income investment opportunity.  Apartment rental income can be very good if your rental apartment is near the center or it is easy for customers to get to the center.  Maintenance costs are very low and damage to an apartment is very unlikely as your customers are foreigners with money who don't want trouble.  Most renters will rent by the week.  Although good hotels are inexpensive by western standards, the price for a week or 90 days does add up, even at $50 a night.  And, many renters like the privacy of an apartment.

The challenge will be to find tourists who want to rent your property.

Finding renters is where we can help.  Mikhail already has a thriving tourist guide business, picking up tourists at the airport, finding an apartment for them and taking them wherever.  Lets be straight with you.  Many tourists are single men coming to Ukraine to meet an attractive woman or to spend time with someone they met on a previous trip.  A few come to find a bride.  A few come to party.  Mikhail's job is to keep everyone out of trouble and to provide a safe and interesting visit which meets their expectations.  We can help you find and purchase a property which is convenient for most tourists.

Visit as a tourist, and see for yourself.

Note, the picture on the left is the main room of an apartment in Kiev that cost $100,000, plus $10k for air conditioning, furniture, a railing on the stairs and kitchen appliances.  Most apartments will be single story but this one is 2 stories with a main room, a great kitchen with dining area, a laundry room and bathroom and a main bedroom.  Upstairs are 3 small rooms.  Regarding the stairs, not to worry if your renter gets drunk and falls down them.  Their broken neck would be (mostly) their problem, not yours.

Rental Investment Opportunities for Americans in Ukraine


Днепровский район, г. Киев

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